We didn't do one of these for February. It wasn't because we are too lazy or disorganised, that would be unthinkable. No! It was because we were SO BUSY making groovy things happen. We're still slapping ourselves on the back (and burping a bit) about the Lost Weekend stuff, it was amazing. But onwards and downwards is the way, and here's what's coming along the rough old road of the Hangover Lounge in March. March hares of the dog, if you will. I hope you will.
Tell you what: the Hacia Dos Veranos LP has arrived. Come and buy a copy off us. It's so good and it looks beautiful.
Tell you what else: we've still some of those Black Tambourine In Dub / Owl and Mouse picture discs left, and we're giving them away each week, a few at a time. All you have to do to get one of those is to come and ask.
MARCH 3: the month starts with a bang! It's
POPFEST 2013 and please to arrive extra early for the highlight of any calendar year, the
M J Hibbett and Carsmile Steve pop quiz. Prizes! Laughs! The lot. Then Popfest does its feisty pop thing upstairs (we think there are a
small handful of tickets left, though the weekend season tickets are now sold out, bad luck snoozers). We'l be doing our regular Hangover Lounge thing downstairs so fee free to pop in and say hello. It's likely to be a lively one.
MARCH 10: not one but TWO new special guest DJs! The excellent
James William Hindle will be playing records for us, and more importantly for you, and so will the equally but differently excellent
Tom Huddleston, who writes for Time Out amongst other things, those other things including playing with the rather listenable
The No Sorrows. Rumour has it that there may be a birthday among the HL regulars also. It's possible that beer may be on the agenda. By "agenda" I mean "shirt". Talking of "shirts" there'll be one of those cool jumble sales upstairs that day!
MARCH 17: You know Frances and John from
Clay Pipe Music? If you do, you'll know they're delightful people with exquisite taste and you'll be wanting to come along to hear the records they play. If you don't, yet, you should come along and hear the records they play. They're a bit of an inspiration to us and we're looking forward to having them along.
MARCH 24: Our chum KEVIN PICKERING is coming along to play records for us, and that promises to be laughs. Kevin used to be in Saturn V, you know. People with in-a-band pasts! Don't see many of them round here! Because a couple of the HL team are liable to be away that day, we might well have some extra, cherry-on-the-top special guest DJS too, but nothing we can tell you about yet.
MARCH 31: Two words: BANK HOLIDAY. Sorry, three words: BANK HOLIDAY SUNDAY. There are excuses for not coming to the Lounge and hanging out but I can't think what they could be, off the top of my head. Five more words: PETE BARAN and ROB BRENNAN, ace guest DJs, we've probably asked them back more than anyone else because they're always good value and always great company.
We've got so much more coming up but that's all I can tell you for now. But keep Sunday free. Which Sunday? Every Sunday!